European IPPC Bureau
production processes account for a considerable share of the overall pollution
(for pollutants such as greenhouse gases, acidifying substances, wastewater
emissions and waste). The main regulatory framework for HSSE matters is Omani
Law, i.e. the applicable Royal Decrees and Ministerial Decisions. In addition to
local regulations, SOHAR Port and Freezone adopt International standards (such
as IPPC) in the area for the industrial project in the area. The EU has a set
of common rules for licensing and controlling industrial installations in the
IPPC Directive of 1996. In essence, this Directive is about preventing, and
when this is not possible minimizing, pollution from various industrial sources
throughout the European Union, and achieving integrated control of their
emissions, consumption of energy, water and raw materials.
The European
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Bureau, located at the JRC`s
site in Seville, provides a major contribution to the implementation of this
Directive by establishing Best Available Techniques reference documents (BREF).
These serve as a reference for EU Member States authorities to ensure that
permits for the industrial processes concerned include emission limit values
based on best available techniques that have been determined by working groups
encompassing experts from industry and national administrations. The BREFs
documents is accessible using the following link: